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Selectmen's Minutes 12/18/2006

December 18, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach and Richard Leone.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectman Frederick Gallup.

OTHERS:  Police Chief David Cahill, Peter Urbach, Ron  Verblauw, Steve Nilsen, Anne Nilsen, John Walden, Catherine Bushueff, David Brown, Deborah Leavitt, Carolyn Stoddard, Lisa Bozogan, Doug Munro, Randy Richards, Richard Haines, Janet Haines and John Chiarella.  
The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:02 PM.  


Police Chief David Cahill wanted to publically thank two of his officers for their service in the police enforcement field.  The first is Jeff Reed who has 15 years of service and Joseph Collins who has 20 years of service.  These two employees will be recognized at the employee Christmas party.   Emma Smith asked that the Chief please offer these two officers the Selectmen’s congratulations and appreciation.


A.  John Chiarella:  Chad Event

John Chiarella was present to discuss with the Board a benefit he wishes to host for the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth.  The benefit is races for sailing vessels including kayaks.  The boats would be coming in July 18th or 19th.  Information regarding the event is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  Richard Leone asked if there would be any conflicts with other events.  Donna Nashawaty stated that this was the firemen’s Jamboree weekend.  Concern was expressed about the crowd and parking problems.  John Chiarella stated that the date of his event could not be changed.  He did not see a problem with the two events being held the same weekend.  His event will be over when the firemen’s Jamboree begins.  Ron Verblauw stated that he thought there would be congestion in the harbor area.  William Roach wondered if the firemen might change their weekend.  Police Chief David Cahill expressed concern over parking.  He would like to meet with John Chiarella and the Fire Chief to discuss this matter before a decision is reached.  Donna Nashawaty stated that Charlie Balyeat did pick up a permit

Board of  Selectmen
December 18, 2006

form but has not returned it.  A meeting will be held Tuesday, January 3rd at 3 PM at the Safety Services building to discuss the events.  

B.  Catherine Bushueff – Abbott Library

Catherine Bushueff introduced David Brown who presented the Selectmen with a petition for the warrant to “prohibit construction of the library at Ski Tow”.  He wishes to keep the petition to gather more signatures and will return it to the Board before the January 9th deadline.  David Brown stated that the petitioners were not against the construction of a new library, but were against the site.  Donna Nashawaty stated that when the petition is received at Town Hall she will have the Town Clerk check the signatures to ascertain that they are voters of the town.  Richard Leone questioned if a petitioned article could be amended.  Donna Nashawaty read RSA 40:13 IV, VI which stated that a petitioned article can be amended.  Catherine Bushueff wished to express her appreciation of the efforts of the Library Trustees and her only concern was the site.  Concern was expressed that construction may begin on the site prior to town meeting vote.  Peter Urbach stated that the Trustees were not planning on any construction until April 2007, after town meeting.  He did state that the Trustees may go before the Planning Board for Site Plan Review prior to town meeting.  Richard Haines asked how much of the funding would be lost if the site were to change.  Peter Urbach responded that donations were made to the specific site, Ski Tow hill, and if the site is changed the donations may have to be returned.  Also funds would be lost because all plans received to date are designed for this specific site.  Stephen White stated that a few years ago the town voted to build the library on this particular site.  The Trustees were following the wishes of the voters.  Randy Richards questioned that the property was designated town forest and thought that conservation land could not be built on unless 50% of the voters voted to do so.  Donna Nashawaty stated that it takes a warrant article to build on conservation land and this was done and approved and the Conservation Commission signed off to allow this.  This item will be discussed at the next meeting of the Board of Selectmen.  Because of the holiday, the next meeting will be held January 2nd at Town Hall.

C.  Doug Munro – Communications Committee

Doug Munro, Richard Haines and Ron Verblauw were present to discuss the committee’s communications with Comcast.  Comcast bought out Adelphia and the agreement with Comcast needs to be renewed.  D. Munro distributed handouts.  These are attached to the file copy of these minutes.  The Communications Committee would like to seek funding from the town in the amount of $10,000.00 to establish a channel for use by the town.  The channel could be used to air public meetings and community events.  The committee feels this would be a big boost for the town.  Area businesses would be allowed to advertise on the channel for a fee.  Doug Munro also stated that the committee has requested that Comcast provide cable service to all residents in town.  Richard Leone questioned how labor intensive this would be.  Doug Munro replied that it is not labor
Board of Selectmen
December 18, 2006

intensive and would be operated by computer.  R. Leone suggested that the committee contact the high school to see if they can get the Honor Society involved.  Police Chief Cahill suggested that the computer study program at the school be asked if they wished to get involved.  Ron Verblauw  informed the Board that a studio in White River Junction operated by R. Franzoni can be visited to see how it operates.  Discussion was held on asking for a franchise.  This would have to be placed on the warrant.  The Selectmen thanked the committee for their hard efforts.  This will be placed on the Selectmen’s January 2nd meeting agenda.

Motion was made at 9:05 PM by William Roach to enter non-public session with Police Chief David Cahill.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimously in favor by a hand count.

Motion was made by Stephen White at 9:40 PM to leave non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimously in favor by a hand count.

Chief Cahill presented the Selectmen with two warrant articles.  One would allow the Police Department to lease two cruisers.  The second would allow the Police Department to purchase two cruisers.  These will be discussed with the Budget Advisory Committee at the December 19th meeting.


Please see a copy of the agenda attached to the file copy of these mintues.


A.  Master Plan Review – Funds from 2006 Budget

Donna Nashawaty explained that she did have $2,700.00 in her contingency budget that could be given to the Planning Board to assist with the Master Plan review.  $400.00 would be for the community survey and $2,300.00 for mapping.  Motion was made by Stephen White to encumber $400.00 for the community survey and $2,300.00 for mapping for the Planning Board to assist with the Master Plan review.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
December 18, 2006

B.  Warrant Article Review

Donna Nashawaty will present the new police cruiser warrant articles and the warrant article for a community channel to the Budget Advisory Committee at the December 19th meeting.

The warrant will be finalized at the January 2nd Selectmen’s meeting.


Donna Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with letters from Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator and Michael Marquise, Town Planner regarding the zoning amendments presented to the Planning Board by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  There seems to be a discrepancy in how the amendments were received.  The Selectmen will have a round table discussion with both Roger Landry and Michael Marquise.  D. Nashawaty will set this up for sometime in February.

The meeting adjourned at 10:50 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup